Buttered Vegetables
- 1 small (50 grams) carrot, peeled and cut into ½ cm cubes
- 1 small (90 grams) potato, peeled and cut into ½ cm cubes
- 1 inch red pumpkin, peeled and cut ino ½ cm cubes
- ½ bunch spinach leaves
- 1 teaspoon homemade white butter
- ¼ teaspoon cumin powder
- A pinch of turmeric powder
- A pinch of salt
Age Group: 6-8 Months

- 1 Heat the butter in a non-stick pan, add carrot, potato and pumpkin and salt and mix well. Add cumin powder, turmeric powder and mix.
- 2 Cover and cook on low heat, sprinkling water, till the vegetables are soft.
- 3 Add spinach and cook for 2 minutes. Cool and grind the mixture into a smooth paste.
- 4 Pass through a fine sieve and serve.
Nutritional Value
Calories (kcal) – 195.8
Carbohydrates (gm) -32.6
Protein (gm) – 3.6
Fats (gm)- 14.8
Iron (mg)- 1.62
Calcium (mg) – 84