Danone is a company where diverse people grow. Faithful to its values of openness and humanism, Danone wishes to promote diversity as an opportunity everywhere, a source of innovation and agility for its teams. Diversity is not so much about gender, age, ethnicity … it is more about recognizing the uniqueness of each employee and valorizing the added value that these differences all together bring to Danone.

Diversity starts from within: I should recognize what’s unique in me before being able to welcome what’s different and unique in others. Promoting diversity in Danone is about creating a soil where each person will be proud of this uniqueness and feel encouraged to express it and to nourish it. Discover some of our initiatives, all aiming at creating an inclusive mindset.
Danone organizes dedicated learning weeks for its employees, known as “Campus”. Originally designed for Managers, they are now extended to all employees. In 2015, Mexico was among the first countries to organize a Campus for all. During a whole week, 13,000 employees across the country could take part in various learning activities: from class-room sessions, business case studies, cross division best practices, conferences with external speakers. They could improve their understanding of the business, grow their network with employees from all divisions and develop their professional & leadership skills regardless their position.