The village have 2 big ponds constructed some 20 years back. Village sewage water and runoff use to directly enter in the pond’s submergence area which causing siltation and development of water plants in whole pond. The ponds were unable to recharge any ground water due to siltation, stinking badly and creating unhygienic environment in village. The village also have 2 acres of common land filled with thorny bushes due to negligence by the community.

With an eye towards alleviating the difficulties of students and villagers Danone India undertook a raft of steps intended to fix the infrastructure of school enabling a better learning experience for students along with steps to improve the communal spaces of village. Through targeted interventions like one Pond Rejuvenation, 2 acres of Commons Land Protection & 1500 Tree Plantation and School Infrastructure Development which included construction of new class rooms and renovation and construction of school boundary wall along with the installation of Solar Panel installation and Water Purification system in school. The rejuvenated pond has created additional 7000 CUM of rainwater harvesting and now harvesting over 12000 CUM rainwater. The pond has addressed water security issues and contributed to provide assured irrigation water to nearby farmers.
The project has established strong governance to ensure sustenance of created project assets. The project has impacted positively on community, influenced and shaped community mindset to initiate several developmental activities in village by their own funds. Gram Panchayat and community collectively rejuvenated one pond which was able to harvest over 35000 CUM of rainwater, planted over 10500 trees, developed village drainage and sewage line network, initiated daily waste collection from villages, regular maintenance of garden area, improved sport ground and gym, constructed community chaupals, carried out village wall painting for awareness generation and community motivation.

Project D-WINS is a community driven project, planned and collectively implemented by community, NGO and Danone. The project positively impacted and has already started achieving its goal to mainstream the community towards a sustainable development journey. Though the interventions are small, it will influence larger stakeholders in Lalru Industrial catchment area to create a sustainable development movement in the near future. The project is a good model to address environment and sustainability challenges that has shaped and influenced the community mindset to look at a similar project at a larger scale.