Common breastfeeding problems

Common breastfeeding problems

It is recommended to exclusively breastfeed your baby for the first 6 months. While breastfeeding is a natural process, many new moms face problems in the process.

You don’t have to worry. The problems are common and advancement in medical technologies, you can be rest assured that these problems will be sorted. In this article, we acquaint you with common breastfeeding problems:

Engorged Breasts
A few days after birth, it’s common for many new moms to experience full and swollen breasts. This is because your body is producing abundance of milk and there is increased blood flow in the area. If your baby is having problems latching on, you may want to express a little milk to soften the areola. A warm bath or cold packs can also help soothe the discomfort and pain.
Sore Nipples
When the baby is not latching on properly or is nursing in an improper position, then it may lead to cracked or sore nipples. Make sure your baby’s mouth is wide open and sucking on your breasts and not only the end of your nipple. Your nipple should be at the back of your baby’s mouth and not on his gums or tongue. Getting help with breastfeeding positions can help you get rid of this problem.
You can express some of your breast milk and apply on your nipples to get relief from the soreness. You may want to opt for cotton bras to let air circulate in the area. If pain persists or cracks are severe, it is recommended to consult your doctor.
Milk leaking
Your breasts start producing milk at regular intervals, therefore, it is common for them to start leaking when they are full. This may also happen when your body’s reflexes are triggered when you hear a baby cry. While there is not much you can do, feeding frequently before your breasts are full can be helpful.
Also, if your baby isn’t near you, you can express your milk in a bottle during let-downs like these, so that you can feed him later. When you’re out, you may want to consider using breast pads, which are designed to absorb such leaks. You can also carry a spare top to be prepared for any such mishap.