Tackling our plastic problem through a circular economy

Our planet today is faced with a tremendous amount of environmental challenges, and one of those is a particularly big problem that concerns plastic.

And this problem has found itself in global focus for obvious reasons:

While the global recycling rate for paper is estimated at 58%, and aluminum at 69%, only a mere sum of 14% of all plastic packaging materials produced worldwide is collected for recycling, and 10% is recycled.

According to an estimate by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) in 2015, Indian cities accounted for about 15,000 tons of plastic waste per day and about 70% of it ends as waste. Approximately 40% of India’s plastic waste is neither collected nor recycled properly. This is why, as a result; large amounts of plastic are finding their way into our natural environment.

As a company committed to protecting and nourishing the health of the planet and people, we want to play our part by aiming to make our packaging 100% circular. This means:

  • Eliminating unneeded packaging.
  • Innovating to create packaging that is 100% recyclable, reusable and compostable by 2025.
  • Ensuring that the material we produce, stays in the economy and doesn’t ever end up as waste or lend to pollution.

Here, the products and materials remain in use and stay in the economy; waste and pollution are eliminated, and natural systems are regenerated.

At Danone, we are constantly trying to eliminate extra packaging and innovating to create packaging alternatives to plastics (such as metal, glass, and cans) and replace plastic with 100% recyclable paper packaging wherever possible.

By reducing and replacing plastic, we have reduced approx. 10 tons of plastic packaging annually and by recycling, we’ve also ensured that it doesn’t end up in land fills and our waterbodies but remains in the circular economy instead.